LCJ Proposes Amendments on Privacy Protection, Cyber Risk
LCJ’s new proposal for comprehensive amendments to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (FRCP) is aimed at helping courts and parties manage their obligation to protect privacy rights and avoid cyber security risks in civil litigation.
Because of the vast expansion in the amount of electronically stored data and growing cyber threats related to litigation, the current rules are no longer adequate to ensure that courts and parties are balancing the needs of particular cases with the burdens of protecting parties and non-parties from risks posed by unauthorized access, use, and disclosure of personal and confidential information.
LCJ’s Rules Suggestion has been submitted to the Advisory Committee on Civil Rules and is an important step in advocating for necessary and transformational changes to the FRCP. The proposal is the product of many LCJ members who made significant contributions to the preparation of this substantial proposal.
LCJ welcomes feedback on this Rules Suggestion and invites you to share it with colleagues and potential allies. The Rules Suggestion is available on LCJ’s document directory and here.