LCJ Amicus Brief in Sprafka v. Medical Device Services, Inc., 8th Circuit Court of Appeals

LCJ’s amicus brief to the 8th Circuit Court of Appeals in Sprafka v. Medical Device Services, Inc. focuses on the correct application of the expert evidence admission standards under the recently amended FRE 702. LCJ  highlights that the sufficiency of an expert’s factual basis is an admissibility consideration under Rule 702(b). The brief concludes that, despite correctly assessing the proferred opinion testimony using FRE 702’s burden of proof and admissibility criteria, the district court misstated the law by characterizing Rule 702 as “favor[ing] admissibility over exclusion.” LCJ is asking the 8th Circuit to correct the continuing misunderstandings of FRE 702 while affirming the lower court decision.

Click here to read the amicus brief.


LCJ Comment on Remote Testimony Proposed Rule Changes, to the Advisory Committee on Civil Rules


LCJ Submits Letter to House Courts Subcommittee on Funding Disclosure Rules, Legal Funding Journal